Authors |
Likhter Pavel Leonidovich, Candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, sub-department of private and public law, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Abstract |
Background. Today, none of the branches of law can afford to engage in simple registration of legal norms and events. The search for philosophical grounds allows us to change the angle of view on constitutional law as a phenomenon that reflects and directs the development of society and the state in a certain way. The aim of the work is to analyze certain aspects of constitutional axiology in the light of the teachings of Plato.
Materials and methods. The implementation of research tasks was achieved on the basis of an analysis of the regulatory framework (constitutional legal acts, current Russian legislation, international agreements), as well as Greek and other philosophical literature. As research methods, historico-legal, comparative-legal, logical methods (deduction, induction), etc. were used.
Results. Some aspects of the Plato theory of Forms in the context of modern constitutional axiology have been explored. Consistently considered are possible approaches to constitutional and legal values as intelligible objects of rational knowledge.
Conclusions. The modern theory of constitutional law unjustifiably ignores the conclusion of the ancient thought that it is often necessary to determine the value of an individual as a patrimonial one. It has a dynamic character and is determined by the “involvement” of each person with goals that are important for social life.
References |
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